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Apr 16, 20204 min read
Isolation: Weighing up the fear
Living in isolation is a strange thing. It's at once fear-filled and boring. We are all putting one foot in front of the other, performing o

Feb 15, 20205 min read
The School Day Paradox
I've been a School Mum for three weeks now. And in my newness to all of this I'm brimming with bravado, frankly I'm nailing it — I'm sure it

Jan 14, 20204 min read
My baby is starting school, and I'm… okay
My eldest (who is now and will always be my baby) is starting school in just a few weeks, and I'm… okay. I know this isn't what I'm supposed

Jan 2, 20205 min read
Self Care is Bullshit
I recently read an article on self care for new mums. The article touted the benefits of just 10 minutes each day of 'indulging' in self car

Dec 26, 20195 min read
My Life, the Shit Show
Hello, my name is Lauren. And my life is a 24 hour experimental art performance piece with a working title of “shit show – not literally, bu

Dec 14, 20193 min read
HELP! The Children are Savages
Until recently I had been blissfully unaware of the epidemic that has been sweeping through schools, kindergartens and daycares all over the

Dec 6, 20195 min read
5 Tips to Cut Down Your Whine Consumption this Christmas
It's the holiday season. And — for something completely different— I'm tired, work is hectic, the kids seem inexplicably hyped up (the threa
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